Ojamajo Doremi 18

Manga English Name: N/A
Manga Native Name: おジャ魔女どれみ18
Status: N/A
Chapter Count: 12
Genres: Mahou Shoujo, Slice of Life
Release Date: 2014
Country: N/A
Average Score: None%
Cheese ! I'm Doremi Harukaze and I'm now 18 years old... although this isn't really the time for a cheerful greeting. My results for the national mock exam were pretty bad, so it looks like my dream of becoming a teacher is going to remain a dream at this rate. Hazuki-chan appears to be facing some dark times herself. Guess it's because she's blurred about her upcoming recital, is it not? Huh? That's not it? Could she be going through hardships in her relationship with Yada-kun?
Main Staff

Yoshihiko Umakoshi
Role: Illustration

Izumi Toudou
Role: Original Creator

Takashi Yamada
Role: Story