Chimamire Sukeban Chainsaw

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Manga English Name: N/A

Manga Native Name: 血まみれスケバン・チェーンソー

Status: N/A

Chapter Count: 89

Genres: Action, Drama, Horror, Supernatural

Release Date: 2009

Country: N/A

Average Score: 58%


Geeko's weird, creepy, friendless classmate Nero has destroyed all of their mutual classmates, perverting them into her grotesque, monstrous minions. Now she's sending them after Geeko, the only survivor. However, Geeko is setting out, dressed in her skimpy school uniform and armed with a big chainsaw, to end Nero's mad science, no matter how many undead former friends she has to saw down on the way.


Main Staff

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Rei Mikamoto

Role: Story & Art

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Role: Touch-up Art (French)

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Sébastien Ludmann

Role: Translator (French)