Vahlia no Hanamuko

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Manga English Name: N/A

Manga Native Name: ヴァーリアの花婿

Status: N/A

Chapter Count: 4

Genres: Fantasy, Romance

Release Date: 2007

Country: N/A

Average Score: 68%


1. Vahlia no Hanamuko (ヴァーリアの花婿)
Jiru and Vahlia were engaged. But Jiru suddenly went missing! Four years later, Vahlia was betrothed to his younger brother. During the night of the celebration of her second engagement, Vahlia decides to go on a journey… in search of Jiru!

2. Ryuu no Moriuta (龍の守唄)
The dragon child Kito and the priestess Shuen await the day Kito becomes the Heavenly Dragon.

3. Ginsekai no Shoumei (銀世界の証明)
Alza lives alone on a desolate snowy plain. One day, Leah, a sorcerer from the magical city collapses near his house. Alza forbids Leah from using magic in his presence and shows her how beautiful life can be outside of the magical world. But, why does Alza hate magic, how did Leah get outside the magical city, and what will happen when Leah returns home?

4. Otogibanashi no Fude (おとぎばなしの筆)
At a far away village, there’s a sacred tree where the Water God dwells. It’s Sasara Yuukei’s task to trace the fading letters of the contract between the Water God and the people of the village. One day, while carrying out his task, he suddenly met the Water God herself! And gradually, he found out that what he’s been doing every day is actually...


Main Staff

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Sorata Akizuki

Role: Story & Art