
Cover Image

Manga English Name: N/A

Manga Native Name: 自慰

Status: N/A

Chapter Count: 10

Genres: Hentai

Release Date: 2006

Country: N/A

Average Score: None%


Collection of short stories:

She is kind of exhibitionist. so she creates a magic mirror for her use. Her habit is getting bolder that magic mirror is not enough anymore. (Himitsu no Atelier)

Included Stories
1. Onanii Time (オナニータイム 2005哀姫12月号)
2. Onanii Senmon (オナニー専門 2006哀姫07月号)
3. Aozora Onanii (青空オナニー 2006哀姫06月号)
4. Ona Kurabe (オナくらべ 2006哀姫05月号)
5. Onanii Show (オナニーショー 2006哀姫04月号)
6. Himitsu no Atelier (秘密のアトリエ 2006哀姫03月号)
7. Onanii Club (オナニークラブ 2006哀姫02月号)
8. Onanii Friend (オナにーフレんど 2006哀姫01月号)
9. Kon'ya mo Okazu (今夜もおかず 2005哀姫11月号)
10. Ero Ino wa Iya Demo H wa Suki (エロいのはいやでもHは好き 2005哀姫10月号)


Main Staff

Staff Image

Akira Kabashima

Role: Story & Art