Bloody Stumps Samurai

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Manga English Name: Bloody Stumps Samurai

Manga Native Name: 血だるま剣法・おのれらに告ぐ

Status: N/A

Chapter Count: 2

Genres: Drama

Release Date: 1962

Country: N/A

Average Score: 52%


With this book, Hirata set out to draw a passionate critique of discrimination against the Japanese outcaste community, known as the burakumin, around the character of Gennosuke, a young buraku whose mission to avenge and uplift his people through the sword goes horribly and gorily wrong. Though clearly intended as an anti-discrimination broadside, Bloody Stumps Samurai rubbed the Buraku Liberation League the wrong way, leading to copies being confiscated and burned and Hirata temporarily blacklisted.

(Source: Retrofit Comics)


Main Staff

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Hiroshi Hirata

Role: Story & Art

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Ryan Holmberg

Role: Translator (English)

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Luis Pedriza

Role: Translator (Spanish)

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Marc Bernabé

Role: Translator (Spanish)

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Mili Yadav

Role: Translator (Hindi)

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Yoshio Takakura

Role: Translator (Hindi)