
Cover Image

Manga English Name: N/A

Manga Native Name: N/A

Status: N/A

Chapter Count: 9

Genres: Hentai, Horror

Release Date: 2000

Country: N/A

Average Score: None%


Contains 9 stories:

1. Tejyou no Kagi
2. Chinju-san

3. Bullets and Knife
An insane, disturbing one shot, with knife cuts, knife piercings, blood (obviously), alcohol,... (but still no rape)

4. Father and Childhood Friend

5. Dog
An inventor sells his soul to the devil in exchange for three wishes and as his first wish, Jim gives life to a boy made of spare parts. Jim names the boy Tails and works to perfect his body by adding enhancements. Tails doesn't really care about being perfect as long as he can be with Jim.

6. Cinema
7. Ken-chan to Anii-chan (ケンちゃんと兄ィちゃん)
8. Otter
9. Kagi to Bed (鍵とベッド)

Main Staff

Staff Image

Saizou Horihone

Role: Story & Art