Irui Konintan Soushuuhen
Manga English Name: N/A
Manga Native Name: 異類婚姻譚 総集編
Status: N/A
Chapter Count: 5
Genres: Hentai
Release Date: 2023
Country: N/A
Average Score: None%
1. Irui Konin tan (異類婚姻譚)
2. Gojitsutan -Irui Konintan Zokuhen- (後日譚 -異類婚姻譚続編-)
3. Irui Konintan Gaiden (異類婚姻譚外伝)
4. Irui Konintan Yukemuri Douchuuki (異類婚姻譚 湯けむり道中記)
5. Kaijou Gentei Hon (会場限定本)
Notes: ・Includes illustration collection: JUNE BRIDE Maternity Photo Book (JUNE BRIDE マタニティフォトブック)
・According to author Irui Konintan Soushuuhen is a "fullremake" of the previously released doujins, with new coloring and updated design.
Main Staff
Yukibuster Z
Role: Story & Art