Tatsuki Ryou Senshuu

Manga English Name: N/A
Manga Native Name: たつき諒選集
Status: N/A
Chapter Count: 30
Genres: Fantasy, Horror, Romance
Release Date: 2022
Country: N/A
Average Score: None%
Ryo Tatsuki's past works are out of print and hard to find, costing over 5,000 yen in the used book market.
This series collects her works from her debut as a manga artist to her retirement, selected by theme and collected in three volumes!
(Source: Asuka Shinsha, translated)
Volume 1: 怪奇(Mystery)
1. Samayou Rei-tachi no Hanashi (彷徨う霊達の話)
2. Rei ga Ippai (霊がいっぱい)
3. Kaiki Yobanashi (怪奇夜話)
4. Toilet Kaidan (便所怪談)
5. Tozandou de... (登山道で…)
6. Shiroi Te (白い手)
7. Jiba (磁場)
8. Tsutaerareta Message (伝えられたメッセージ)
9. Pitfall (落とし穴)
10. Kaidenpa (怪電波)
11. Natsu no Yoru no Kaiki Mystery (夏の夜の怪奇夜話)
12. Soshite Dare mo Shinanakunatta (そしてだれも死ななくなった)
13. Chikai (誓い)
Volume 2: 幻想(Fantasy)
1. Doll Story (人形物語)
2. Jewel Story (宝石物語)
3. Flower Story (華物語)
4. Time Story (時計物語)
5. Time Fantasy Story (時計幻想物語)
6. Shoujo no Hana (少女の花)
7. Hoshi no Meruhen (星のメルヘン)
8. Rozariana no Shouzou (ロザリアナの肖像)
9. Selena (セレナ)
Volume 3: 初恋(Romance)
1. Mizuiro no Koukuu Shokan (水色の航空書簡)
2. Taj Mahal Byou no Aru Machi (タージ・マハル廟のある町)
3. Kowareta Time Machine (こわれたタイムマシン)
4. Hajime Kara Owari Made (はじめから緒割まで)
5. Namen na yo! (なめんなよ!)
6. Tousaku no Mori (倒錯の森)
7. Dandan Baka ni Natteyuku (だんだん馬鹿になってゆく)
8. Jack to Jill (ジャックとジル)
9. Reincarnation (輪廻転生)
Main Staff

Ryou Tatsuki
Role: Story & Art