Bungou Stray Dogs Koushiki Anthology: Rin

Manga English Name: N/A
Manga Native Name: 文豪ストレイドッグス 公式アンソロジー ~凛~
Status: N/A
Chapter Count: 15
Genres: Action, Comedy, Slice of Life, Supernatural
Release Date: 2018
Country: N/A
Average Score: 64%
Official anthology featuring Bungou Stray Dogs characters by various mangaka.
Cover illustration: Harukawa35
Color illustrations: Haru Sakurana, Isamu, Kyouichi
1. Okaasan (お母さん, Mother) [Hideki]
2. Dekigokoro de Kaita Shousetsu wo Mafia ga Ukkari Yonde Isekai Tensei (出来心で書いた小説をマフィアがうっかり読んで異世界転生, The Mafia Inadvertently Read a Novel Written on a Whim and Reincarnated in a Parallel Universe) [Kino Hinoki]
3. Ochaku ni Mesu Mama (お着にめすまま, As You Wear It) [Hirahara Akira]
4. Akuma no Jidou Tobira (悪魔の自動扉, The Devil's Automatic Door) [Nanora]
5. Shiawase no Mitsukekata (幸せの見つけ方, How to Find Happiness) [Ikushima Kanae (郁島かなえ)]
6. Hello, Again Winter Dreams. [Pyaa (ぴゃあ)]
7. Ame no Houmonsha (雨の訪問者, The Visitor in the Rain) [togekinoko]
8. Senpai no Kenkou Kanri mo Shigoto desu kara (先輩の健康管理も仕事ですから, Because My Senior's Healthcare is Also My Job) [Sakura Roku]
9. Biyori Yoku, Neko Arashi (日和よく、ねこあらし, Good Weather, Cat Storm) [Oosawa Keiga]
10. Asage Biyori (朝餉日和, Breakfast Situation) [Daichi Miki (大地幹)]
11. Smartphone App no Elise-chan (スマホアプリのエリスちゃん, Elise-chan, a Smartphone App) [Kanai Neco]
12. Q no Junan (Qの受難, Q's Suffering) [Nekome Hiko (ネコメヒコ)]
13. Tora, Tokidoki Neko (虎、時々猫, Tiger, Sometimes Cat) [Miya Taichi (宮太智)]
14. Port Mafia no Kenkou Shindan (ポートマフィアの健康診断, The Port Mafia's Medical Check-up) [Haru Sakurana]
15. Boushi to Otoko to Gyuudon to (帽子と男と牛丼と, With a Hat, a Man and a Beef Bowl) [oda (oda)]
Main Staff

Roku Sakura
Role: Story & Art

Hinoki Kino
Role: Story & Art

Akira Hirahara
Role: Story & Art

Sakurana Haru
Role: Story & Art

Role: Story & Art

Neco Kanai
Role: Story & Art

Role: Story & Art

Role: Story & Art

Role: Story & Art

Role: Story & Art

Miki Daichi
Role: Story & Art

Kanae Ikushima
Role: Story & Art

Taichi Miya
Role: Story & Art

Kafka Asagiri
Role: Original Creator

Role: Story & Art

Role: Story & Art