Totsuzen Nantonaku Tonari no Seki no Douryou to Sex Shitaku Narimashita

Manga English Name: N/A
Manga Native Name: 突然何となく隣の席の同僚とセックスしたくなりました
Status: N/A
Chapter Count: 5
Genres: Drama, Ecchi, Romance
Release Date: 2019
Country: N/A
Average Score: 62%
A girls' love anthology consisting of five chapters:
1. I Don't Know Why, but I Suddenly Wanted to Have Sex with My Coworker Who Sits Next to Me (突然何となく隣の席の同僚とセックスしたくなりました)
2. Bedroom Telepathy (ベッドルームテレパシー)
3. girls complex a la mode
4. Ashen Days and the Lucky Cat of Happiness (灰色の日々と幸せの招き猫)
5. I Don't Know Why, but I Suddenly Wanted to Make Out with My Lover (突然何となく隣の恋人とイチャつきたくなりました)
Main Staff

Kozumi Miura
Role: Story & Art