Ranking of Kings

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Manga English Name: Ranking of Kings

Manga Native Name: 王様ランキング

Status: N/A

Chapter Count: N/A

Genres: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy

Release Date: 2017

Country: N/A

Average Score: 77%


The web manga centers around Bojji, a deaf, powerless prince who cannot even wield a children's sword. As the firstborn son, he strives hard and dreams of becoming the world's greatest king. However, people mutter about him behind his back as "a good-for-nothing prince" and "no way he can be king."

Bojji is able to make his first ever friend, "Kage" (shadow) — a literal shadow on the ground who somehow understands Bojji well. (Kage is a survivor of the Kage assassin clan that was all but wiped out. No longer a killer, Kage now makes ends meet by stealing.) The story follows Bojji's coming-of-age as he meets various people in his life, starting with his fateful encounter with Kage.

(Source: Anime News Network)


Main Staff

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Sousuke Touka

Role: Story & Art

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Studio Charon

Role: Touch-up Art & Lettering (French)

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Sébastien Ludmann

Role: Translator (French)

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Siyu Lai

Role: Translator (Chinese)