Hengen Taima Yakou Karura Mau!

Cover Image

Manga English Name: N/A

Manga Native Name: 変幻退魔夜行 カルラ舞う!

Status: N/A

Chapter Count: N/A

Genres: Action, Drama, Horror, Supernatural

Release Date: 1988

Country: N/A

Average Score: None%


For centuries the Ougi family has been fighting against the forces of evil under the auspices of their patron deity Karura (the Japanese Buddhist derivation of the Hindu Garuda). But when twins are born in the 38th generation, the hereditary powers are divided between them. Shouko has the spiritual abilities of the "Scroll of Heaven" and Maiko the physical powers of the "Scroll of Earth." Their personalities are just as different, but by joining together they can face any evil.

(Source: Girls' Horror Comics)

Vols 1-3: Nara Onryou Emaki (奈良怨霊絵巻)
Vols 4-5: Sendai Kokeshi Enka (仙台小芥子怨歌)
Vols 6-11: Hida Onryou Emaki (飛騨怨霊絵巻)
Vol 12: Fuyuki Kirefu Roku (冬樹裂風録)
Vols 13-16: Setouchi Onryoukei (瀬戸内怨霊経)
Vol 17: Tatsuou Oni Tsubuteiki (辰王鬼礫行)
Vol 18: Fushimi Kitsune Kanjou Kosekitan (伏見狐勧請戸籍譚)

Main Staff

Staff Image

Takakazu Nagakubo

Role: Story & Art