Hamezu Kids

Manga English Name: N/A
Manga Native Name: ハメ好きっず
Status: N/A
Chapter Count: 11
Genres: Hentai
Release Date: 2015
Country: N/A
Average Score: None%
1. Tanoshii Choukyou Nyuumon (たのしい調教入門); Comic Tenma 2015-04
2-4. Yuuwaku (誘惑); Comic Tenma 2015-01, 02, 03
5. Uchi no Imouto ga Wari to Kawaii. (ウチの妹が割と可愛い。, My Little Sister Is Relatively Cute); Comic Tenma 2014-12
6. Doushiyoumonai Boku no Koi no Hanashi (どうしようもない僕の恋の話); Comic Tenma 2014-11
7-8. Aru Kyoudai no Baai (ある兄妹の場合, In The Case of Certain Siblings); Comic Tenma 2014-05,06
9-11. Hamedolita (ハメ撮リータ); Comic Tenma 2014-01, 02, 03
Main Staff

Zaraki Zaki
Role: Story & Art