The Perks of Working in the Black Magic Industry

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Manga English Name: The Perks of Working in the Black Magic Industry

Manga Native Name: 若者の黒魔法離れが深刻ですが、就職してみたら待遇いいし、社長も使い魔もかわいくて最高です!

Status: N/A

Chapter Count: 50

Genres: Comedy, Ecchi, Fantasy, Romance

Release Date: 2017

Country: N/A

Average Score: 66%


Franz, a fledgling mage on the verge of graduating from magic school, is having no luck lining up a job in the White Magic field. Fearing unemployment, he decides to interview at a Black Magic company on the advice of his dorm mother, even though working with Black Magic is said to be the 3 Ds: Dangerous, Disgusting, and Dirty. Turns out? It's more like the 3 Ps: Pure, Pleasant, and Permissive!

(Source: MangaUP!)


Main Staff

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Kisetsu Morita

Role: Story

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Izumi Kouki

Role: Art