Psycho Nyanya

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Anime English Name: N/A

Anime Native Name: 싸이코 냐냐

Status: N/A

Episode Count: 102

Genres: Comedy, Slice of Life

Release Date: 2019

Duration: 2 mins

Country: KR

Average Score: None%


Nyanya is a psychotic orange cat with only one thing in mind: escape! Determined to keep his owner Young-Sook from getting him neutered, he concocts one crazy scheme after another in hopes of liberating himself from her apartment and finding a cute female cat to be his girlfriend. Willing to do anything to save his nads, the big-headed cat terrorizes Young-Sook night and day. But no matter how much annoyance, abuse, and property damage she's forced to endure, Nyanya will always be her beloved pet - for better or worse!


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